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Nottingham Enlightening Word Congregation

Nottingham student Chinese Christian, Nottingham Chinese student fellowship, 諾定咸華人教會, 諾定咸學生團契,諾定咸團契, Nottingham Chinese Christian Church, Nottingham Chinese Church, 華人教會, 香港人團契,諾定咸教會,諾定咸團契,Nottingham教會, Chinese fellowship, NEWC, Nottingham enlightening word congregation, Nottingham student fellowship, 诺定咸华人教会, 诺定咸学生团契,诺定咸


We are a historic,  reformational and evangelical Christian group.  We come from different denominations including Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist , Reformed and others.  We are  confessional and inter denominational fellowship professing the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed,  instructed by the Westminster catechism. 

Our morale is to praise God in truth and with a true heart, to grow and be nurtured by the word of God in the Spirit, and to love and to serve one another under Christ’s lordship. Our vision is to gather and to train up Chinese Christians so as to evangelize and serve the community in Nottingham and around.

Sunday Service

we have our services on every Sunday at 2pm (Chinese)

Sunday Service

Youth Fellowship (Cantonese)

Friday 7:30 - 10:00 pm
Venue: All Saints' Church, NG7 4DP
Contact: Billy (+44 7531691518)

Family Fellowship (HongKongers)

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Nottingham Enlightening Word Congregation

Rev. Herman To
Mobile: +447894881714
Contact us

 基督教諾誠啟道堂 Nottingham Enlightening Word Congregation                                Updated on Nov 2024

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